Legal Dimension of Airtag Use

INTRODUCTION The top-level and hair-raising speed reached in technology innovation thanks to Industry 4.0 manifest technologies ancient with each passing day even when they are considered cutting-edge. Fierce global competition in technologic field in almost every sector from medical to telecommunication, engineering to software, agriculture to automotive encourages competitors to take the lead, provokes them […]
Taxation Of Cryptocurrency

INTRODUCTION Nowadays, the adaptation to the digital world is increasing rapidly with technological developments and the effects of the Covid-19 epidemic. Accordingly, virtualization of money, investing in the virtual environment, and earning profits from virtual investments have also become possible. We would like to point out that although cryptocurrency was firstly introduced in 2009, it […]
Judicial Remedies Against the Decisions Adopted by Personal Data Protection Board

I. INTRODUCTION The gradual global increase in data processing implementations pushed states towards setting several regulations in the field of data security. To that end, many states, within their administrative organizations, started to found data protection authorities. In Turkey, Personal Data Protection Authority has been found for supervision of behaviors by many actors, be it […]